
Tired of the Same ol’ Same ol’ travel food?

Flexibility is the hallmark of our food plans and the menu always depends on what you want to eat, what you want to spend, and whether you are B&B guests or a group using the entire facility exclusively. We habitually accommodate Vegetarians, Macro-biotic’s, Kosher, Doctor Atkins, Main streamers, right down to those who want the Elvis Presley diet or choice selections from the White Trash Cookbook, under one of the three basic meal plan options below. (After all, eating is one of the few areas of autonomy left, why would we want to deny you whatever is your coronary’s desire? Besides, the owner is a psychologist: We understand…you want to eat what you want to eat!)

Plan A: The B&B Plan. Great home-cooked traditional breakfasts of farm fresh eggs, sausage or bacon, fruit, granola or other cereals, milk, juice, coffee and teas, toast and jellies or breakfast pastries are available for $5 more per person. Special requests made in advance are accommodated if possible…(timing and travel to civilization, is the only occasional problem.) If you’re staying in Marble or doing wilderness day trips and not venturing out to restaurants 10 miles away, we can arrange back-packer’s box lunches for your party. Dinner menus of all the best restaurants in the area are available in a binder to help B&Bers make dinning-out plans.

Plan B: The Frugal Gourmet Plan. Organized Group Member(s) (or a gaggle of guests cooperating) bring their own groceries and supplies and use and clean the BLR kitchen for a small daily kitchen use fee. Groups opting for exclusive use of the retreat who enjoy or have time for preparing their own family-style meals, around their planned activities, enjoy this economical meal plan option. We supply an extensively equipped kitchen and most of the common spices.

Plan C: The Pamper-Us Plan. BLR staff and group representative(s) plan a custom family-style or group-buffet, versatile menu for all of the groups scheduled meals on a fee per person per meal basis for all those participating. Our typical buffet menus can happily accommodate vegetarians and non-vegetarians based on their own buffet selections. Depending on menu and current prices, the per person per meal fee is generally about $7.00/breakfasts, $9.00/lunches, and $16.00/dinners. Something very special? Wedding or holiday meals? Contact Us!